Apr 19Liked by Jessica Nordell

I think your questions were spot on to get to the real truth. The biggest problem in my opinion is no one actually listens…they assume they know what the issues are before you even finish speaking and jump to conclusions…please shut up and listen

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As a child of trauma, this interview is very heart-and-mind opening. 🙏🏼 Especially this: "Teenagers know more about themselves and the world than we give them credit for." Helpful as I rewrite my evidence-based graphic novel to support young people who struggle with negative self-talk, "Meet Your Monkeys: Make Friends with the Meanies and Imps that Rule Your Mind." My mantra is "It's not your fault." (ever see the iconic scene in "Good Will Hunting"?). But now you get to learn how to deal with the feelings and thoughts that make life so hard. Well done!

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Loved this interview. Thank you!

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This is an awesome interview. It touches on so many points not just supporting a suffering teenager but anyone who's suffering and may not have the voice or the vocab to verbalize what they are going through. But as we all know, it just take one person to think differently and ask questions and be patient, it is possible to lead them out of darkness

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Mar 26Liked by Jessica Nordell

I found this interview moving, fascinating and touching. Thank you. I have taken lots of antidepressants over the years, and they helped me. I have had other psychiatric treatments as well. It is so great to read about some one's experience with all that. Well done, Jessica! (I am your cousin!)

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